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Three Myths About Breast Augmentation

Three Myths About Breast Augmentation

With summer in full swing, there are sure to be many a lazy summer day spent beachside in a bikini. If you’ve always envied women who are beautifully endowed but have hesitated in opting for breast implants because of hearsay, then this article is for you. We’ve addressed three common myths that women hear about breast augmentation. It’s time to make these dirty rumors come clean!

Myth #1: Everyone can tell when a woman has breast implants.

With today’s surgical advancements and options, breast augmentations can easily give patients a natural appearing result. Choosing an appropriate implant and position are the keys to achieving a natural looking result. It is also important to consider a patient’s weight, height, and natural breast size/shape. When a woman’s implants are too obvious, it is usually because the implants are too large for her body, they were placed too high, or they were placed in front of the muscle. Pamela Anderson, this means you!

Myth #2: Breast implants cause cancer.

The word “cancer” has been attached at least once to almost everything in modern culture that has a growing popularity. (Think: coffee, cellphones, deodorant, etc.)

However, studies and experimental data have not been able to link breast implants with cancer. Breast implants were found to have no connection whatsoever with breast cancer, autoimmune disorders, or systematic diseases.

Myth #3: Recovery from breast augmentation surgery is long and painful.

Compared to other plastic surgeries, breast augmentation has one of the shorter recovery periods and lower levels of discomfort. Most women return to work in less than a week after the procedure and feel back to normal in less than a month. Ever had your tonsils out as an adult? You’d be severely wishing you were having a hundred breast augmentations instead!

Do you have questions about breast augmentations that weren’t answered here? Call today to set up a consultation with Dr. Williamson!



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