(706) 737-8827 | Augusta GA

Laser Therapy Treatment

When you look in the mirror, do you wish you could reclaim your youthful skin? As we get older, our skin begins to show telltale signs of aging: including fine lines, uneven skin tone, brown spots, and even those lingering acne scars from our younger years. Areas most frequently exposed to the elements are the most prone to these signs of aging, like the face, neck, chest, and hands. But the damage, once thought to be permanent, now is treatable.

Laser therapy treatment is a safe, easy, affordable way to reclaim your skin’s healthy glow. Augusta Aesthetic Surgery is proud to offer the state-of-the-art Fraxel laser treatment. This laser treatment therapy can reduce the appearance of fine lines around the eyes, virtually eliminate melasma (the darkening of the skin on the face, commonly known as the “mask of pregnancy”), acne scars, dark spots and pigmentation, and much more. Laser therapy treatment is capable of improving the look and feel of your skin substantially. Another benefit of this skin therapy? There isn’t much downtime after non-invasive laser treatment, so you can be back to your day-to-day activities in no time.

Life is too short to live with the unsightly scars, brown spots, and fine lines that are plaguing you. Laser resurfacing is proven to make your skin’s texture smoother, more even, and overall fresher. Even after the first treatment with the Fraxel laser, you’ll notice an improvement. Several sessions later, you will be amazed with the results! Check out our before-and-after gallery of Fraxel laser treatment patients to see for yourself how incredible this laser treatment truly is. Then give us a call at (706) 737-8827 to schedule your free consultation.


Beauty 411
Breast Augmentation
Breast Enhancement
Celebrity Plastic Surgery
Chin Augmentation
Laser Resurfacing
Lip Augmentation
Otoplasty/ear pinned
Radiesse Injections
Tattoo Removal
Tummy Tuck

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