(706) 737-8827 | Augusta GA & Evans GA

Tattoo Removal

Let me guess…  You got that crazy-looking tattoo when you were young and reckless, but now it doesn’t seem so cool anymore.  Well, you’re certainly not alone.  Studies show that more than half of people who get tattoos end up regretting it later in life.  And, since tattoos became a pretty hot item in the past decade, it means there are a lot of people out there with ink they regret.

So what are your options? Tattoo removal can be easier than you think.  There are a number of factors to consider, but most tattoos can now be removed with special lasers that specifically target and break down the ink used in tattoo art.  In the hands of a professional plastic surgeon, your tattoo regrets can be removed with fantastic results. If you have a tattoo that doesn’t agree with your current lifestyle, laser treatment is something you seriously need to consider.

Dr. Gary Williamson, the premier plastic surgeon in Augusta, Georgia, uses the UltraLight-Q laser, which uses state-of-the-art technology to get rid of most tattoos.  This treatment is safe and highly effective, which means you can erase your old mistakes quickly and easily.  If you are considering tattoo removal, call Augusta Aesthetic Surgery today for a free, no obligation consultation.


Beauty 411
Breast Augmentation
Breast Enhancement
Celebrity Plastic Surgery
Chin Augmentation
Laser Resurfacing
Lip Augmentation
Otoplasty/ear pinned
Radiesse Injections
Tattoo Removal
Tummy Tuck

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