(706) 737-8827 | Augusta GA

Plastic Surgery for Couples

One of the latest trends in cosmetic surgery is probably not what you’d expect: plastic surgery for couples! That’s right, many couples are opting to have procedures done together, including everything from chin implants to tummy tucks. Apparently, they’re even doing it in celebration of anniversaries or other special occasions.

This trend coincides with the growing number of men who are seeking cosmetic procedures and surgeries. Whether it is to look better on the job or to try to keep up with wives who’ve had surgery, men are choosing plastic surgery more and more often. It’s not unusual at all for men to want to look younger, and now they are willing to go hand-in-hand with that important person in their life.

So is couples surgery right for you and your partner? It’s a big decision, but it could go a long way in bringing you closer together as a pair. If you are considering cosmetic procedures as a couple, give us a call here at Augusta Aesthetic Surgery. Dr. Gary Williamson, one of the best plastic surgeons in Augusta, Georgia, will give you and your significant other a free consultation to help determine what’s right for you.


Beauty 411
Breast Augmentation
Breast Enhancement
Celebrity Plastic Surgery
Chin Augmentation
Laser Resurfacing
Lip Augmentation
Otoplasty/ear pinned
Radiesse Injections
Tattoo Removal
Tummy Tuck

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