(706) 737-8827 | Augusta GA

African Americans and Cosmetic Surgery

It’s something you may have never considered before, but traditionally, African Americans have opted for plastic surgery much less than whites. This holds true percentage-wise even when you take into consideration that African Americans are in the minority. Well, all that is changing, because when you look at the numbers, the number of African Americans who are having cosmetic procedures is growing every year. Last year alone, almost eight percent of all plastic surgeries were performed on African Americans.

Black skin shows age differently than white skin, so the number of age-related wrinkle-related surgeries is much lower. But, other procedures are definitely on the rise and growing in popularity, from tummy-tucks to chinplants. Cosmetic surgery is gaining popularity in the black community, and that could be thanks to high-profile African American celebrities and sports stars who have embraced plastic surgery in furthering their careers.

So, if you’re African American, is cosmetic surgery right for you? The honest truth is, plastic surgery is right for anyone who would like to improve their self-image, no matter what your background. Call us here at Augusta Aesthetic Surgery and make an appointment for a free consultation with Dr. Gary Williamson, one of Augusta’s top plastic surgeons. He’ll discuss your options and find out what’s right for you.


Beauty 411
Breast Augmentation
Breast Enhancement
Celebrity Plastic Surgery
Chin Augmentation
Laser Resurfacing
Lip Augmentation
Otoplasty/ear pinned
Radiesse Injections
Tattoo Removal
Tummy Tuck

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