(706) 737-8827 | Augusta GA & Evans GA

Lip Service

You’ve been looking in the mirror lately and you’ve noticed that your lips don’t quite have same youthful look that they used to have. Do you see lifeless lips that are showing signs of age, with wrinkles and unsightly lines around your mouth? Face it, they’re just flat, tired, and in need of a change. It’s time for a little lip service. You have lots of options when it comes to giving your lips a much-needed boost, and we’re here to help.

At Augusta Aesthetic Surgery, we use a dermal filler called Restylane that is very effective for smoothing wrinkles and giving lips a more youthful lift and appearance. Whether you suffer from laugh lines or wrinkles at the corner of your mouth, or you are concerned about the flatness of your lips, Restylane can help solve these problems and get you where you want to be. It is safe, well-tested, and FDA-approved.

Is a Restylane procedure right for you? Call us today at Augusta Aesthetic Surgery and schedule a free consultation with Dr. Gary Williamson, one of the Augusta area’s most well-respected plastic surgeons. He will discuss all of your lip augmentation options and find the right solution for your needs.


Beauty 411
Breast Augmentation
Breast Enhancement
Celebrity Plastic Surgery
Chin Augmentation
Laser Resurfacing
Lip Augmentation
Otoplasty/ear pinned
Radiesse Injections
Tattoo Removal
Tummy Tuck

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